Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? So have many of our customers! Here is a collection of our most frequently asked questions and answers. If you want to know more, please feel free to contact us!

Why should I choose S. Johnson & Sons to make my parts?
We promise the best in customer service, attention to detail, and materials selection to ensure that you get your parts on time, to your exact specifications, and at the best price.
What companies do you work with?
To protect the privacy of our partners, we do not disclose this information for all customers. However, if you’d like to see samples of our work, please visit our gallery page for pictures.
What industries does S. Johnson & Sons serve?
We are proud to serve the following industries: electrical, aerospace, communications, food and beverage, automotive and transportation, electronic, marine, ordinance, temperature and pressure instrumentation, hardware, valve manufacturing, transmission and tool and die. Is your industry not on the list? Don’t worry—we provide more services than we can list!
Will my parts be made in the United States?
Yes! We make all parts in our facility in Belvidere, New Jersey. While our materials are sourced from around the world, you can ensure that our specialists will be making your parts right here in the USA.
Where do your parts go?
Our parts go all over the US; we are fortunate enough to be located in the prime transportation network of the Industrial East Coast, providing easy access for major interstate carriers.
What types of files do you accept?
We accept all major 3D CAD models in addition to 2D drawings or photographs. Our Scan to CAD program allows us to create 3D CAD models for our customers with ease.
How do I get a quote?
To help us better understand the needs of your project, call or email us with the details of your project. We will get back to you as quickly as possible to discuss the details and provide you with a quote.